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AIC Guatemala and AIC Mexico participate in the FamVin Homeless Alliance’s “13 Houses” Campaign

The FamVin Homeless Alliance has launched a campaign called “13 Houses”, which aims to reduce and, where possible, end all forms of homelessness in the countries in which the Vincentian Family works. AIC is involved in 13 Houses initiatives in Guatemala and Mexico.

Guatemala: Welcome Home Project

In Guatemala, AIC is one of five branches of the Vincentian Family that are collaborating to start new project to help families who lost their homes after the eruption of the Fuego volcano in 2018. 35 new homes will be built as part of the ‘Welcome Home Project’.

The Fuego volcano erupted in June 2018, killing dozens and rendering many more homeless. This 13 Houses Campaign project in Alotenango provides a new start for 35 families, along with vocational training to guarantee them a long-term future.

In the Vincentian spirit of listening to those living in poverty, a group of the beneficiaries are advising on the construction so that it meets their needs.

The project is a collaborative initiative of the local Vincentian Family Systemic Change committee. This comprises the DCs, CMs, AIC, VMY and SSVP. They are partnering with an NGO and the local parish to realize the project. The UN, through the UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), is also collaborating.

The video below features some of the people who are benefitting from this project:


In Mexico, AIC is leading an initiative to build 13 houses for families who lost their homes in the earthquake in Hueyapan in 2017, in the rural zone in the northeast of the country. The earthquake was so strong that it took the relief workers a week to reach the affected communities. Over a year later, many families remain homeless.

According to the Mexican government, 1 in 13 people lives in extreme poverty. This project offers the support that some of the most vulnerable families in the country need so much.

As in Guatemala, some of the families benefitting from these homes are involved in their design. They are being constructed to meet high building standards so that they can continue to serve those living in poverty for decades to come.

The homes are the fruit of a collaboration between 7 branches of the Vincentian Family (AIC, CM, DC, AMM, VMY, SSVP and MISEVI) and a local NGO, the Fundación Corazones por México (Hearts for Mexico Foundation), as people living in poverty receive better service when we work together.

Let us pray for Vincentian our brothers and sisters in Guatemala and Mexico and for the people they are serving!

20 countries are already planning projects as part of the 13 Houses Campaign. Visit their website to find out more about starting a project or make a donation to their Solidarity Fund.

Text adapted from the following articles published by the Vincentian Family Homeless Alliance:

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